Work Experience
Simply Jet
Software Developer
Rebranding the company's website and admin dashboard using Typescript, NextJS, NestJS, PostgreSQL, Mantine UI, etc to increase the company's revenue and efficiency. Developed complex operational workflow for brokers, admin, marketing team to manage their clients and leads efficiently. Developing modern and responsive frontend UI using Mantine UI and Framer Motion that provides a seamless user experience. Developed a Slack App integration with the Whatsapp Cloud API in Python, that makes the process of lead generation and conversion more smoother and efficient. Developed a custom CMS system for the company to manage internationalization and localization of the website supporting 6 languages worldwide. Actively enhancing the company's website SEO by optimizing the website's performance and implementing new SEO strategies. Actively participating in the company's product development meetings and providing valuable insights to improve the product to meet the market's needs.
Simply Jet
Laussane, Switzerland - (March 2022 - Present)
Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd
Software Engineer Intern
I worked on a File Tagging Application using .NET Framework 4.7.2 Windows Form, C#, and SQLite Database. This File Tagging Application is for NTFS file systems in which users can add tags to a file, Example- School, College, Important, Work, etc. to their files so that they can search files easily on the basis of the tags added to the file.
Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd
Bengaluru, India - (October 2022 - January 2023)
Full Stack Web Developer
Worked as Backend and ReactJS developer Intern. Developed a full-fledged Authentication System using NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, and JWT. Integrated Send Grid API to send emails to clients on their first signup. Implemented Razorpay Payment Gateway to accept payments from clients. Developed Light Weight UI and Complex Animations using Tailwind CSS and Material UI.
Toronto, Canada - (December 2021 - February 2022)
The 10x Academy
Full Stack Development Mentor
Mentored 100+ students to become Full Stack Developers. Solved doubts related to ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, and MongoDB. Taught students about effective communication skills. Mentored students with problem-solving, Data Structures, and Algorithm problems.
The 10x Academy
Hyderabad, india - (December 2021 - April 2022)

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